Sep 2, 2014

Crazy girls on the Internet

A couple of years ago, playing some game, I started talking with a girl the same age as I. She seemed like a fun going person, someone who had hardships in life but was fine with the life she was living. Anyways, she had met this guy on the Internet that she had feelings for, and as I understand it he was playing in to that also. One day this guy just stopped talking with her and kind of diapered. Yes, it wasn´t the nicest way he did this on but there had never been an illusion of that it was anything but an Internet thing, and most people would perhaps been a bit hurt about the whole thing and left it at that. This girl though, no no that wasn´t enough for her and with the help of her aunt, (that worked with finding people and registering them), sought this guy out. She basically took the air plane to an other country and rang his doorbell! Both of them talked about this like it wasn´t breaching an other persons privacy at all. I´ve just one word CRAZY!

Sep 1, 2014

Balance within a relationship

When in a relationship it´s easy to go "me me me" mode, to forget that it´s not all about you. (Well that is easy for many people no matter if they are in a relationship or not.) My point is, that one should be aware of the fact that suffocating your partners wants and needs isn´t a great thing to do, and doing so will most likely end the relationship. (Well at least if you are dealing with with an Aries, hehe.)
So let´s take myself as an example. The past month I have consciously given my boyfriend extra space to let him do his things. I´ve made the effort to not really strike up conversation with him if I know he is in his creative space. I say this with a bit of laughter cause knowing when my boyfriend does anything, except for his fixed hours of working, is pretty much impossible. (Until now when he actually have put up a schedule of his hours/day on his blog, insert crazy stalker girlfriend picture here, hehe.)
I think it´s important to let each other grow and not having to spend every single free spare moment together. I think though that I was pretty good with this before also, since I myself like doing things on my own.
With this I´m not saying that one shoulden´t want to do things with ones partner or feeling bad by wanting their attention. Like yesterday I went "I want a call now, I don´t care if it´s late night for you, I "need", and I´m totally fine with feeling that way also, haha. I also know that most of the time I have I want to spend in the near vicinity of my partner and experience things with him, it´s just important to keep a balance.