Jul 17, 2014

 Not being scared of living - trusting other people

Like a child burning their hand on the stove, learning not to ever do that again, it´s easy to avoid other situations in adulthood the same way.
Something came up with my partner, something similar to what have hurt me in the past, and I could have chosen to run from it, but I didn´t.
How do you live a life, not being afraid of being hurt? I can just tell how I do it. I choice to live in the present, and trusting every new person I meet until they have proven me otherwise, (of course with in reasonable limits). How do I keep myself to this? I just do, that´s how strongly I feel about it, my will is one of the strongest things I have, I choice to steer my mind a certain way. This is´nt the simplest thing to do, I know so, but with practice it will work.
Side not, I do not have any doubts regarding my partner or the relationship I´m in. I know my man would never do anything to hurt me, or I would not have mentioned this here at all. 
I simply wish for everyone to be able to live a life where they are not scared of being hurt and enjoy every day.

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