Jul 29, 2014

Childhood toys

A while back, I coulden´t decide whether I was to consider myself lucky that I´ve all my childhood toys saved, stored away in my parents attic or if it just was really annoying that my parents saved them all. Fact is, that I had started to clean out some of them and I got the feeling that my parents thought I was throwing away a bit to much. Anyways, I was discussing this with my boyfriend and he said "if your parents want to save them in THEIR attic, it´s not really effecting you in any way, why care". Of course, I gave him some lame excuse, (cause well that´s just who I am - sorry älskling), but the thing is that he was right.
This whole thing was/is kind of trivial, but what I keep from it is that "letting go" is really one of the nicest feelings that exist. I will let my parents save all of my things if it makes them happy.

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